Sarasota Florida Puppy and Dog Training
Welcome to Responsible Dog! Responsible Dog is located in Sarasota FL and provides Florida puppy and adult dog training, dog behavior modification, dog boarding and dog daycare.
Responsible Dog serves the following communities: Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, Osprey, Nokomis, Venice
Our training programs are offered at your home or Responsible Dogs training location. Home visits are often helpful for working on specific training needs and during early stages of training.
When deciding on your dog trainer it is important to evaluate the professionals background, education, training methodology, where they received their education in dog training, do they have a working resume, do they have proof of continuing educational units (CEU's).
If you are looking for a behaviorist or behavior specialist, you will want to check that the individual has an appropriate behavioral background specializing in canine and/or feline behavior.
Please take the time to look over my resume, education, and credentials. Read some of my articles, essays, visit my blogs for more information and/or currently published articles. You will not find another dog trainer or certified dog behaviorist in Sarasota or Manatee County with my credentials or education, why not pay for and get the best in the beginning when it matters most.
Do you know how many times I'm contacted by dog owners who have been given poor training and behavior advice, often resorting to using aversive training methods, only to be disappointed and discouraged with their dog? This is because anyone can call themselves a dog trainer, what the public needs to understand is there are differences in educational levels even among dog trainers.
When seeking behavior advice, the choice you makes affects your dogs life, they are dependent on you to make an informed decision.
Read http://responsibledog.wordpress.com/2009/09/05/does-simply-being-around-dogs-or-owning-dogs-indicate-knowledge-of-dog-behavior/
Try the behavior quiz. . You might be surprised how well mannered your dog already is or you may discover a few things that might improve your dog's behavior, improving your relationship, and bond while furthering your dog's welfare and your commitment.
PUPPY Training Essentials One - For 10-18 week old puppies
Our Puppy Training Essentials puppy courses are taught off lead to maximize dog-dog play (learning bite inhibition) and socialization. Off lead training teaches 1) owners how to be calm (cool, calm and collected) and control their puppies when excited and distracted and 2) the opportunity to play is used as the ultimate reward for each short training session.
Early puppy training is essential to ensure puppies develop bite inhibition, people-friendly, dog-friendly and communication skills with both humans and dogs. Learning bite inhibition and socialization are easy during puppyhood, but extremely developmentally time-sensitive. If your puppy does not acquire reliable bite inhibition during this critical time, he will become potentially dangerous as an adult. If your puppy is not socialized, remedial socialization later can take months (even years); your dog will never be the relaxed confident dog that s/he could have been.
Most of the training essentials are teaching basic manners in distracting environments. We use lure/reward training that is simple, even children can easily learn how to train the puppy. It's effective for training young puppies beginning during your first training session. During the course of training, you learn how to phase out food rewards by replacing good puppy behavior with play and life rewards. Puppy Training Essentials lays the groundwork for reliable verbal, hand signal and off lead control that you and your puppy master in Puppy Training Essentials Two.
We continue to promote the use of food and play rewards forming positive associations (classical conditioning) teaching dogs to thoroughly enjoy being with you, others and dogs. We suggest every visitor to your house reward your puppy with a treat, and encourage anyone asking to pet your puppy on walks to reward your puppy with a treat (encourages your dog to feel comfortable and confident around people).
As part of your enrollment you will be provided with training support to ensure that you learn how to prevent the development of (or resolve) predictable, common, normal puppy and adolescent behavior and temperament problems. We help you resolve preventable behavior problems, such as house-soiling, destructive chewing, excessive barking and separation anxiety and aggression all common illnesses for adolescent dogs - often causing confinement to kennels and/or the yard, basement and finally a cage in an animal shelter.
Puppyhood is the time to rescue through prevention and unwanted adult shelter dogs. Take advantage of all our free educational puppy training handouts and resources to ensure your puppy has the opportunity to live in your home for the rest of their life.
To facilitate learning, owners are provided handouts and training booklets. Requirements: Puppies must be between 10 and 18 weeks of age at the start date of class with 2 DHLPP vaccinations, one of which must have been administered after 8 weeks of age but at least 7 days prior to the first session.
Registration Fee for Six Weeks: $159.00
Our Puppy Essential Courses are taught privately. We feel owners do better and more successful when they begin training young puppies using private instruction first, this prevents the distractions often found in a class environment, encountering reactive dogs, and generally a chaotic environment.
We may charge more, but you are guaranteed your trainer has the highest academic qualifications as a professional dog trainer and certified as a dog behavior specialist.
All puppies currently enrolled in Complete Puppy Essentials One and/or Two are eligible and encouraged to attend free play sessions every Saturday morning to help further their dog social skills. We maintain an exceptionally clean play environment on natural surfaces.
By offering this free puppy and adolescent play you can be assured your dog gets ample socialization not only with young puppies and adolescents but also savvy adult dogs with good bite inhibition and social communication skills that help teach young puppies how to communicate effectively with all types of dogs, both small, medium and large!
This is essential for dogs as part of their ongoing socialization process, otherwise many small dogs grow up fearful of large dogs, and large dogs don't learn how to behave around small dogs, dogs don't learn how to recognize differences in appearance and communication quality.
Additionally, you and your dog have the assurance of supervised play sessions conducted by an educated dog professional.
Dog parks are often risky ventures not only for contraction of disease and parasites but also the risk of unknowledgeable owners and dogs with little or no training and socialization.
Optional - enroll in Complete Puppy Essentials for 12 full weeks of complete puppy training, registration fee $300.00. We offer a mid-term break between classes.
Read more about our services...
Read what her clients say , not enough recommendations here, just ask, I will gladly furnish a list of clients and breeders you can contact for recommendations.
Responsible Dog and Cat
Training and Behavior Solutions
Combining Art and Science for Training Animals
Joyce D. Kesling, CDBC
P.O. Box 15992
Sarasota, Florida 34277
Training and Behavior Solutions
Combining Art and Science for Training Animals
Joyce D. Kesling, CDBC
P.O. Box 15992
Sarasota, Florida 34277